Old Man Banksia - Australian Bush Flowers

(PROTEACEAE Banksia serrata)

Renewed enjoyment and interest in life after feeling sluggish and low in energy

An Australian Native Flower - (Made in Leura, Blue Mountains, NSW)

"A thousand mile journey begins with one step" - Lao-Tse

This remedy is for people who are often low in energy. They are often solid, plethoric, heavy people who are slow moving and have been sluggish for a long time. They may have been disheartened by setbacks or may have merely felt tired for a long time. The Old Man Banksia essence brings a spark back into these people's lives. It also helps to give them staying power. It continues to act in the body long after a person has finished taking the remedy.

Old Man Banksia is also for those whose sluggish energies have been triggered by an illness or setback through major life circumstances. They find it difficult to get back on their feet. It has the ability to uplift the emotional body, thus allowing the body to regain energies necessary to get back "on track"

These people often suffer from low thyroid activity, which produces sluggishness, physical heaviness or obesity and tiredness. They tend to be reliable, dependable people who steadily plod on, often hiding their tiredness and battling on with unceasing effort.

These people often have a strong affinity with children and may be the main focus of their families, taking on most of the problems and workload. They give a lot of themselves and their time to others. They often feel overwhelmed and suffer from overload, finding it difficult to say no when others want to rely on them.

As well as the sluggish thyroid pattern, these people may suffer from heart attacks or strokes or they may physically collapse or have nervous breakdowns. Old Man Banksia is a good remedy for helping them realise their limits and learn to say no.

These people have a lot of common sense. They don't rush through things, they are practical, methodical and very patient. They are usually very good listeners, as they feel a lot of concern for others, and people in trouble often turn to them. They like helping others and are usually very people-oriented.

The positive aspects of Old Man Banksia are enjoyment, enthusiasm, energy and an interest in life, as well as the ability to cope with whatever life brings.

I now cope with all aspects of life
I now feel joy and enthusiasm for life

Information from "Australian Bush Flower Essences" by Ian White